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Rise against rosacea: 3-step natural treatment

Rise against rosacea: 3-step natural treatment

The light of dawn peeks through your red curtains and into your bed room. You wake up and notice a small red spot on your neck as you recognize your face on the mirror, hanging by your wall. Most Americans would just dismiss it as a minor bug bite but the rest of the US citizens, 16 million to be precise, will tell you that it could be an early sign of rosacea.

For a skin disorder that is widely spread throughout the US, it is still uncertain as per the cause of this condition. Some say it may be hereditary and some believe it may be environmental, but regardless of its debatable origins, there are several factors that seem to trigger rosacea.

Common Rosacea Triggers

Spicy Foods

Alcoholic Drinks

Intestinal Bacteria

The thing about rosacea is that it doesn’t just affect the way you look; it also has a huge impact on the way you feel. Imagine you have a wedding to attend later in the day and the redness on your scalp is the first thing people notice about you. In such situations, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be embarrassed or at the least anxious to explain why there’s a ripe tomato growing out of your forehead.

In fact, people with this skin condition often worry that the red blotches will leave painful scars behind. These scars accumulate over time and can have a deep psychological effect on people, eventually lowering their self-esteem. According to a survey conducted by the National Rosacea Society, 70% of people say that the disease affects their interactions at work. Some even quote the condition when they miss a day at the office.

That’s why Hylunia has devised an ingenious treatment for rosacea that is all natural and can be applied in three simple steps.

Key Ingredients

Step 1: Facial Cleansing Lotion

You can start your day by applying a bit of our acclaimed Facial Cleansing Lotion. Let the lotion gently penetrate your skin and activate your cells while removing all the impurities in the process. This cleans your skin inside-out, without depleting its natural oils.

Key Ingredients

Step 2: Rose Water Mist

Created from the natural extract of roses, Hylunia’s formula works wonders on your skin through Rose Water Mist. Applying it on your body keeps it from dehydration and calms sensitive skin. It has several antiseptic properties that enable it to minimize inflammation and improve healing. For rosacea victims, it’s been proven to alleviate red plaques and silvery scales.

Key Ingredients

Hyaluronic Acid

Sesame Oil

Xanthan Gum



Rose Water

Step 3: Facial Day Lotion

Packed with our patented super-moisturizer, Hyaluronic Acid, Hylunia’s Facial Day Lotion gives you the right mix of natural ingredients and anti-oxidants to reduce wrinkles and prevent premature aging. The micro-sized titanium dioxide blocks harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun and keeps your skin safe throughout the day.

Apply these three powerful natural treatments for rosacea from Hylunia in the sequence recommended here and you will awaken to its tremendous healing capacity within days.

Familiar Faces with Rosacea

Alteromonas Macleodii

Grape Stem Cells

Hyaluronic Acid

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