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Celebrity skin conditions

Celebrity skin conditions

We all know what it’s like to be embarrassed by our skin. Remember the time your skin broke out just before that dinner date with “the one”, the fun party you’d been looking forward to all month or the big presentation at work? Skin blemishes like acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be isolating and embarrassing…but what if your blemishes were splashed across magazine covers for the entire world to see? Celebrities have skin problems just like the rest of us and it takes rockstar courage for some of them to speak out about their skin issues. Did you know that these three stars suffered from serious skin problems?

Kim Kardashian was diagnosed with psoriasis in 2011 when she noticed a rash on her legs just before a big photo shoot. Talk about pressure! She blames stress and anxiety for her condition and has since relied on her family, friends and 14+ million Twitter followers for encouragement. While most people don’t have millions of fans for support (!), there’s a lot we can do to control psoriasis flare-ups:

Use moisturizing lotions that keep your skin infection-free and moist, and help repair scaly skin.

Hylunia’s Healing & Restoring Cream is especially popular for psoriasis treatment.

  • Avoid dry, cold weather as it can make psoriasis symptoms worse. Hot weather is generally better for this condition, though not always.
  • Use humidifiers to keep your skin moist especially during dry seasons.
  • Avoid too much sun exposure and be sure to use sun screen if you’re in the sun for longer than 20 minutes. Sun burn makes psoriasis worse and too much sun can cause skin cancer.
  • Reduce your stress levels through exercise and relaxation techniques such as yoga.
  • Take care of your body by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and avoiding scrapes, bumps and infections.

Photo credits to Shop Pink CherieTrace Contour and robertnkellypattinson via Flickr.

Kate Middleton may be the beautiful Duchess of Cambridge but she still suffers from eczema, along with one in every ten adults and one-fifth of children. As if suffering from this condition weren’t enough, eczema sufferers have to contend with itchy myths like “people who suffer from eczema don’t wash often” – what nonsense! The truth is that eczema can be triggered by environmental factors like dust mites and even clothes made from wool-like fibers like cashmere and mohair. Some tips on controlling this itchy condition include:

  • Moisturize frequently to conserve the skin’s natural moisturizer, especially effective if applied immediately after a bath. Products like Hylunia’s Eczema Treatment are especially formulated for this condition.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity and stay out of the sun as it can exacerbate the itching and burning sensation.
  • Avoid sweating or overheating.
  • Reduce stress and improve circulation by exercising regularly and using stress-busting techniques like meditation and yoga.
  • Avoid scratchy materials, such as wool and mohair, and tight clothing.
  • Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and solvents. Instead, try Hylunia’s cleansing lotion that is especially formulated for eczema sufferers.
  • Stay clear of any foods like shellfish and dairy products that you may be allergic to. Instead, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Photo credits to Shop Pink Cherie, Trace Contour and robertnkellypattinson via Flickr.

Cameron Diaz may appear flawless on film, but the superstar talks openly about her sensitive skin that is “always breaking out”. If you’re like Cameron Diaz, keep these tips in mind to prevent acne:

  • Keep your face clean by washing daily to remove impurities and excess oil, and exfoliating to remove dead cells. Use warm water (not hot) and a mild, gentle cleanser like moisturizers that minimize dryness and skin peeling. Avoid using fragrances, oils and harsh chemicals on your hair as they can drip on your face, block pores and irritate skin. Use a gentle shampoo and condition and keep your hair off your face, especially if you have oily hair.
  • Avoid touching your face to avoid spreading bacteria and causing infection. Never pick or pop pimples with your fingers – yes, it sounds gross but we’ve all been tempted to do it!
  • Stay out of the sun as the sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness.
  • Exercise regularly to reduce anxiety and increase blood flow throughout your skin. Find effective ways to control stress as it is a leading cause of breakouts.