Do you have a hormonal teenager with acne?

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Do you have a hormonal teenager with acne?

Lately, we can’t stop watching Michelle Phan’s videos on YouTube, like the one below on how to get Taylor Swift’s trademark look. If you have a teenager, you know exactly what we mean – after all, Michelle Phan is the queen of YouTube beauty tutorials and your teen is probably experimenting with the “right look” right about now (much to your dismay!).

The other thing that’s been on our mind is teenage acne – that scourge of our teen years. If you have a high schooler, they’ll probably begin to worry about prom soon….and how to get rid of that problem acne. Our acne treatments for teenagers are wildly popular and it so happens that our 3-Step Acne Treatment System is 40% off this weekend. So go ahead give it a whirl and let us know how you like it. And good luck with your teen!

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