
Place an order online
Simply login if you have an existing Hylunia account on Hylunia.com, or create a new account if you’re a new customer. After that it’s as simple as finding the product(s) you’d like to purchase and hitting the Buy button.
Problems with Checkout
Please contact Customer Service to resolve. Be sure to save a copy of the error (by saving a screenshot or copying the text of the error message) prior to contacting us.
Payment methods
We provide multiple payment options. So you can place your order using your Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, PayPal and Afterpay.
Change billing address
Simply go to the My Account section of the website to change your billing or shipping address.
Sales tax
Hylunia collects sales tax within the state of Nevada only.
Earn Hylunia Points
You earn 1 point for every $1 spent on Hylunia.com. You can redeem the points that you have already earned for future purchases on Hylunia.com, on the checkout page during the online purchase process. You can also view your Point Bank under My Account
Rate & review a product
Please go to the product page of the product you’d like to review, in order to submit your review. Ratings & Reviews are an important way to share information with your peers and we thank you in advance for contributing to the Hylunia community by using this feature.
Product ingredients
You can learn about our ingredients by – Selecting the Ingredients tabs on a product page, or Visiting the Ingredients Glossary to search by ingredient.
Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions
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